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Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Throw a shoe at George Bush.
Throwing of Shoes at Bush has become a standard symbol of protest throughout the world against Bush's two terms US Presidency, where he has messed up the world peace, the US civil liberties, the US and world economy.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
From Hollywood to Hajj - 6 Dec 2008
Al Jazeera's Sami Zeidan reports from Saudi Arabia where he talks to Regan on his pilgrimage from Hollywood to Hajj.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Di dalam hati manusia ada kekusutan dan tidak akan terurai kecuali menerima kehendak Allah swt.
Di dalam hati manusia ada keganasan dan tidak akan hilang kecuali berjinak dengan dengan Allah swt
Di dalam hati manusia ada kesedihan dan tidak akan hilang kecuali seronok mengenali Allah swt
Di dalam hati manusia ada kegelisahan dan tidak akan tenang damai kecuali berlindung, bertemu dan berjumpa denganNya
Di dalam hati manusia ada penyesalan dan tidak akan padam kecuali redha dengan suruhan dan laranganNya serta qadha dan qadarNya serta kesenantiasaan sabar sehingga menemuiNya
Di dalam hati manusia ada hajat dan tidak akan terbendung kecuali kecintaan kepadaNya dan bermohon kepadaNya.
Kesentiasaan berzikir kepadaNya adalah keikhlasan sebenar kepadaNya. . . . . . Andai dunia dan isinya diberikan kepada manusia masih tidak lagi dapat membendunghajat hati sihamba itu.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
“Prayers to fulfill Desires”.
Me included, I was in KK doing the “same thing” for both my son sitting for SPM and PMR this year. After Fajr prayers – 1 bull and 1 Cow was slaughtered as aqiqah, and there was a special group handling them, turning into food. Then a PIBG meeting was held in the main School Hall, hailed as the Hargreaves Hall. After solat Asar a khatam Qur’an was done. Before Magrib, the Aqiqah food was served . After Magrib, Solat Hajat was done and Yassin was read, that reaches right to Insya’- After Insya’ supper was served. They had been doing this for the last5 years or so. I was told that lunch was served too, but I missed it for I went to prep school to see my form 1 son. As for me, the prayers were more for general wellbeing, albeit “Islamically”, of the students – which if necessary includes good results ( see Yusuf Ali’s poem below).
50 years after Merdeka. The people are saying that the “religious-Islamic” schools are being secularized and the secular schools are “Islamised”. Anybody not at home with that! Will it be for the better? InsyaAllah. One day, we may have Maahad Melayu Kuala Kangsar, among other things teaching science and IB. Will Hindraf ask for seats for their kids then, if its name is such?

Mum not worry about Mus’ab, here he is into food here, he is very skinny. He is the on the far right, in yellow. YB Sassy Teresa Kok should try the boarding school food and compare it to the one she got, in the police cell while under ISA, that may give her some sense. He is the PMR candidate in the family this year.
His Mum is worried, he is too much into Rugby. He already got College Colours for Rugby. He is second from the right, when he was in action in Bangkok , during the second semester of the school days. According to his coach he did manage to “touch down” on that day, initially awarded by the referee but later, he reversed his decision after concurring with the touch judge. Malay College did well this year, reaching the semi-final in the Perak League 2008. I do not remember about their match with UPSI, I heard that they beat UiTM Perak in the process. Muhammad will sit for his SPM this year.

The opening Chapter of seven verses,
Rightly called the Essence of the Book,
It teaches us the perfect Prayers,
For if we can pray aright, it means
That we have some knowledge of God
And His attributes, of His relations
To us and His creations, which includes
Ourselves; that we glimpse the source
From which we came, and that final goal
Which is our spiritual destiny
Under God’s true judgment : then
We offer ourselves to God and seek His light.
A. Yusuf Ali – C.42 on al-Fatiha
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Puisi - Sempena Awal Ramadhan
Mendidik Haiwan:
Insan menyaggupi amanah mentadbir bumi
Sebagai makhlukNya paling ali dan ilmi.
Dengan ta’dib, insan berusaha mengenal segala
Mengingat semula semua nama yang diajari-Nya di Sana
Mengota janji termeteri melalui Bala shahidna!
Biarpun zahirnya zuriat Adam banyak persamaan
Dengan segala hewan dari chimpazi kepada lalat buahan
Namun ruh insan dan amanah tanggungan setiap ahlinya
Bagai langit dan bumi, bagai lilin dan mentari bezanya.
Genom insani dikatakan 60% sama dengan lalat drosophilia
40% baka kita tidak berbeza dari baka cacinbg dan sepertinya
Malah 99% sama dengan chimpanzi berkaki dua:
Bagi sekian Darwinis semua – itu lah hakikat kejadian kita:-
Haiwan terpintar dan tertinggi tingkat evolusinya.
Tentang perjanjian arwah dengan al-Khaliq tiada sesuai lagi
Ruh insan, bagi mereka, hasil perkembangan badan, baru terjadi
Wujudnya hanya di alam ini, akan terputus bila mati.
Pendidikan umat di seluruh dunia telah hilang punca asalnuya
Bagai laying-layang terputus tali di bawa angin kemana saja
Angin yang kencang di tiup jentera tuntutan haiwani
Tujuan, kandungan dan kaedah pendidikan bukan lagi insani.
Ta’dib menyemai ilmu pelbagai, menyempurna ahlak baik
Ruh insan mendaki mendaki makam menyuci mengenal al-Khaliq
Ilmu pelbagai perkara tentang dunia dan akhirat nan baqa
Di guna mentadbir bumi memikul amanah penuh taqwa.
Tarbiyyah melihat insan dengan sebelah mata
Walaupun pandangan tajam amat, yang tampak zahirnya saja
Kepandaian berharta dan mengurusnya disanjung tinggi
Ilmu mengenal Tuhan dan sunnah Nabi dibasa-basi
Bagai hidangan di papan iklan, lapar tiada terisi.
Banyak dibelanjakan bagi membina sekolah dan universiti
Yang kaya dan berpengruh menghantar ke luar negeri
Pintu universiti luas terbuka jika yuran terbayari
Atau jika pantas berlari menjulang nama pertiwi
Apatah lagi jika mengenal menteri bersamaan parti.
Dari sekolah hingga ke ijazah doctor falsafah pelbagai bidang
Manusia di ajar menulis, mengira dan pandai kemahiran
Pelajar di wajib menuntut ilmu keusahawanan
Agar bisa berniaga, sehingga semua diperniagakan:
Wanita berpipi licin menjaga tubuh pada sejenis atau lelaki
Ulama menjual fatwa pada penguasa yang membayar tinggi.
Pentadbir mencemuh guru sendiri jika kerusi disasari
Sarjana menabur bakti jika ganjaran memuas hati
Isteri menjadi setia selagi suami bergaji tinggi
Suami rela dihina jika isteri cantik, kaya, disegani
Si anjing kurap disanjung ilmuan tinggi jika kedudukan dikekali
Abu Jahal diimami walau Muhammad berada di sisi.
Madrasah di tengah kota di anggap merugikan
Pelajar dan ilmuan miskin hanya meluka pandangan
Hotel lima bintang dianggap lebih memanfaatkan
Ribuan pelancong mampu membawa jutaan pulangan.
Setiap haiwan terlalu pandai sukar diatasi
Ingatan mereka kukuh berakar dalam naluri:
Gajah bisa mengingati telaga puluhan tahun tidak disinggahi
Penyu beribu batu meninggal pantai pasti bisa kembali.
Salmona lama ke hilir mengecap nikmat di laut luas
Di perjalanan pulang, ribuan dibaham beruang lapar dan buas
Salmona pintar mendaki sungai menabur benuh, menunai amanah
Bangsanya menang walau nyawa sendiri terpaksa diserah.
Si tempoa cekap sekali menganyam sarang di dahan tinggi
Datang ribut taufan istana rekaanya bertahan, d kagumi.
Rimau bintang menyambar kijang, mematah tengkok
Sesaat bisa berjaya mengankat mangsa ke atas pokok
Walau sang singa lebih perkasa dan raja di rimba
Tapi tidak secekap si bintang mengankat mangsa:-
Dia tidak bisa merampas rezeki si bintang tangkas
Hanya menunggu di bawah menjilay bekas.
Al=Khaliq mencipta insan dari lumpur hitam
Supaya bisa bergerak seperti haiwan sekalian
Tapi di tiupkan permata halus sebahagian dari ruh-Nya-
Terpisahlah dari cacing, lalat buah dan segalanya
Maka terangkatlah martabat bila di ajar segala nama
Hinga Malaikat lebih bercahaya gagal menjangkau makna.
Kita bukan dari chimpazi atau orang hutan
Persamaan begitu banyak harus diperi ngatkan
Tapi perbezaan janin kecil membawa pemisahan mutlak:-
Chimpazi dan Orang Hutan tidak dihsiab di akhirat kelak
Kita tidak bisa lari dari Sirat, Mahshar dan Jahannam
Mungkin bertemu syurga dan bahagia tanpa kesudahan.
Pendidikan bukan untuk melahirkan pengurus wang
Atau memastikan cengkaman kuasa berlangsung panjang.
Bukan peluang membina sekolah kos menjulang
Atau lubang membina menjual peralatan, buku teks anika bidang:
Itik hanya memerlukan kolam berair dan makanan biasa
Bukan air tapisan khas yang diimpot harga berjuta
Bukan dedak padi yang ditanam di atas bumbung
Atau yang dipesan dari Taiwan atau Hong Kong
Pendidikan milik insane beriktiar mendekati tuhan
Dari saat kelahiran hingga ke titik akhir kehidupan
Bayi yang baru menghendap keluar rahim ibunya
Diperingatkan dengan Azan dan Iqamah dikedua telingga
‘Apakah si bayi kecil dua jengkal bisa mengerti?” kau Tanya
“Seruan dalam bahasa asing, sedang mata belum pun terbuka?”
Dia mengerti, kerana baru saja meninggal Zaman Alastu
Dia mengerti, kerana dengan dunia ini, masih belum terkeliru.
Insan di hujung hayat wajar ditalqinkan denganBacaan Suci
Dan diperingatkan dengan dua kalimah ajaran Nabi.
Kau sangsi lagi,”apa gunanya ini pada diri menanti mati?
Bukannya bisa merubah sebarang keadaan di dunia ini.”
Pandanganmu hanya pada zahirnya keadaan
Kau ghaflah tentang hakikat bermakna menyerap kewujudan
Bagai oxygen tidak ternampak, tidak terasa, tiada berwarna
Wujudnya bisa dinafikan dalam perkataan sahaja:
Tanpanya dalam persikataran
Alam ini pasti menyaksikan kematian.
Insan yang hampir meninggalkan kefanaan ini
Bila ruhnya meronta mahu kembali ke tempat asli
Mata-hatinya, jika tersilau keliru selama ini
Kerana tersangat takjub dengan seri duniawi
Kini kembali terang menatapi hakikat ruhi nan ghaibi
Segala peringatan akan bertambah terang
Semua perbuatan dan niat fikiran akan tertayang.
Pendidikan bukan pengisi kebosanan kehidupan
Mempersibukan diri dari mengingati hakikat kepulangan.
Pendidikan daya usaha pelajar, ibu bapa, penguasa, guru:-
Mengotakan segala kata dan ikatan dalam perjanjian dulu
Mempersiapkan semua memikul amanah rela dipersetuju
Menjadi khalifah di Bumi, mentadbir Alam dan laut biru
Tulus ibadat bersukur tak terhingga
Kerana kewujudan dan keutamaan bangsa manusia.
Matematik, geografi, astronomi, bioteknologi, semua ilmu tabii
Setiap kumpulan insan dan bahasanya dan sejarah kaum insani
Ilmu yang telah lalu, dan yang sedang giat di kaji
Perlu di kuasai jika Perjanjian itu mahu di kotai
Umat ini bisa menjulang obor menyuluh kemajuan
Jika pemimpin, ulama, pentadbir dan peniaga tidak kesesatan
Tegas mengemudikan bahtera bangsa dengan kuasa pentadbiran.
Jika tujuan dan kandungan pendidikan dirubah sentiasa
Mengikut naluri sementara, mengekal kuasa sedekad dua
Dan meningkat laba:
Ajarlah insan menjadi haiwan - cepat-pintar bekerja.
Namun, Perjanjian Dahulu tidak akan terbatal jua.
Ingat! Cacing, chimpazi dan segala haiwan tidak dibangkitkan.
Kita harus memberi jawapan : tiada lagi helah, alasan.
Petikan dari “Dalam Terang”
Prof. Dr. Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud
Anak helang - Puisi Sempena MERDEKA
Anak Helang
Seekor anak Helang
Meminta izin bapaknya mahu terbang
Ke lain padang
Melatih sayap mengembang
Mencari pengalaman
Menajam pandangan.
Tapi pada bapaknya menyata bimbang
Akan cabaran sengit bakal mendatang
Tentang kemungkinan hilang
Jalan pulang
Mengkhianati bangsa, menjadi petualang.
Bapaknya helang memberi pesan seorang guru:
“Silalah anakku sifatmu helang harus mendalami ilmu
Tapi ingatlah segala ajaranku kepadamu selalu
Kerangka dan dasar pengetahuan dalam dadamu itu
Sungguhlah benar, jangan kau curiga dan ragu
Perhalusi lagi, dan bandingkan dengan yang lain itu”.
“Harus sentiasa sedar harga diri dan peranan sejati
Tiada guna jika gagak berjuta, musuh bangsa, memuji tinggi
Walau bangsamu jumlahnya kecil, peranannya tersangat suci
Itu amanah kita dari azali, pilihan maknawi.”
Anak helang terbang jauh melihat alam pelbagai ragam
Singgah di suatu padang melihat gagak galak berkawan
Ramainya bukan kepalang, hitamnya menawan
Langit nan terang di waktu siang dipergelapkan
Bisingnya menguasai padang dan segala hutan
Sampah dan bangkai mencerminkan kelazatan.
Si anak helang menumpang gagak mengisi dada
Raja gagak melihat kemungkinan besar tiada tara
Jika berjaya menggagakkan helang mencari kuasa
Menumpas helang sebagai burung perkasa di muka dunia.
Selagi helang mengenal dirinya selagi itulah gagak semua
Gagal merebut takhta kerajaan burung segala.
“Jika si anak helang itu dapat digagakkan kita
Dia akan dipulangkan pada bangsanya
Dan berperanglah untuk kita.
Jika helang tidak lagi terbang tinggi di puncak sana
Jika matanya ditumpulkan seperti kita
Jika makanannya dibiasakan sampah, bangkai dan sisa
Dia akan menafikan bapak sendiri, tidak mengenali bangsa
Akan meruntuhkan sarang bangsanya; tak terdaya kita.”
Memang setelah bertahun berguru pada gagak semua
Bulunya dihitam-kilatkan menyilau mata, untuk diterima
Lagunya semeriah, sebising, senyaring burung pensisa.
“Menangkap rezeki penuh risiko di dada angkasa,
Merugi masa, dan tenaga”, katanya.
“Lebih mudah mencuri sisa di tong sampah saja”.
Sekian lama berguru, ia dinobat wira nan perkasa
Diutus pulang ke padang asalnya memikul cita
Merubah helang mengikut millah gagak belaka.
Pulanglah helang bertemu ayahnya guru awali
Ayahnya melihat terbangnya tidak menghelang lagi
Suaranya bukan lagi menyanyi lagu asli
Tapi lagu baru yang tidak pernah didengari
Sepanjang sejarah helang tidak didendangi.
Sepanjang zaman bangsaku melihat tajam perubahan
Insan kehilangan diri setelah lama berjauhan
Kejauhan zahir terlihat pada jarak zaman dan ruang
Kejauhan batin terbukti pada akhlak ang pincang
Terpapar dalam Kisah si Tenggang dan Malim Kundang
Dalam perubahan jiwa jutaan cendekiawan malang.
Anak helang kehilangan diri, disanjung gagak di luar negeri:
Pulang ke sarang asli berbulu hitam, suara nyaring ngeri
Menghalau keluarga sendiri, menganggap jahil guru awali
Ajaran Nabi dan pewaris tradisi disifat tiada sesuai lagi
Bagi meniti arus pluralisme dan cabaran globalisasi.
- Petikan dari “Dalam Terang”
Prof Dr Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud
Monday, June 30, 2008
Torres named - man of the match

Germany were outclassed, and for captain Ballack his catalogue of misery in major finals continues having lost two Champions League finals and also been suspended for the 2002 World Cup final when they lost to Brazil.
Match-winner Torres enhanced the reputation he forged at Liverpool last season, but this was an all-round effort for a side that is young enough to already be marked down among the favourites for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. . . more
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Piala Hamdan Tahir : HKSBP
Cagers are the CHAMPION, again
5th Championship: 26-05-08
against MOZAC 52 - 30.
the semifinal
against SMS Hulu Selangor 65 - 49
Group A Champ
4th game against SBPI Gombak 61 - 22.
3rd game against SESMA 50 - 33
2nd game against SMSKuching 62 - 40
1st game against SDAR 66 - 43
A blog on the Cagers activities
Sunday, June 1, 2008
John Bolton escapes citizen's arrest at Hay Festival
John Bolton, the former American ambassador to the UN, managed to escape a British journalist's attempt to place him under citizen's arrest Wednesday evening at a festival in
Mr George Monbiot argues that Bolton helped plan the war in
Mr Bolton said the war was legal, partly because
Mr Monbiot blocked by security guards
A crowd of about 20 protestors, one dressed in a latex George Bush mask, chanted "war criminal" as Mr Bolton was ushered away. Mr Monbiot was blocked by two heavily-built security guards at the end of the one-and-a-half hour appearance, before he could serve a "charge sheet" on him. Mr Monbiot said moments later he was "disappointed" that he had been blocked from making the citizen's arrest.
"This was a serious attempt to bring one of the perpetrators of the
A citizen’s arrest is legal in certain circumstances under the under the Serious and Organised Crime and Police Act 2005.
But Peter Florence, director of the Hay Festival, said on Wednesday that they had sought legal advice and been told carrying out such an arrest would be “completely unlawful” given the circumstances.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Countries to Adopt Cluster Bomb Ban

A Cluster Bomb Explsion
The convention, agreed Wednesday, outlaws the use, production, transfer and stockpiling of cluster munitions. It also provides for victim welfare and clearing contaminated areas. Politicians and campaigners insisted it was a hugely significant pact despite the absence of key powers like the United States, China and Russia. Diplomats will adopt the treaty before Irish Foreign Minister Micheal Martin closes the conference.
Norway has spearheaded the treaty initiative and the convention is due to be signed in Oslo on December 2-3. States then have to ratify the pact. The United States, China, Russia, India, Pakistan and Israel did not participate in the convention talks, leading some commentators to question its worth. However, Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere insisted the treaty would stigmatize the use of cluster bombs among those countries keeping their stockpiles.
Cluster munitions are among the weapons posing the gravest dangers to civilians, especially in heavily bombed countries. Dropped from planes or fired from artillery, they explode in mid-air, randomly scattering bomblets, with many civilians having been killed or maimed by their indiscriminate, wide area effect. They also pose a lasting threat as many bomblets fail to explode on impact.
The treaty is due to be signed in Oslo on December 2-3. The cluster munitions treaty requires the destruction of stockpiled munitions within eight years -- though it leaves the door open for future, more precise generations of cluster bombs that pose less harm to civilians. The treaty was welcomed by the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC), an umbrella group of non-governmental organizations, which hopes it will stigmatize cluster munitions.
Courtesy almanartv
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Malaysia to develop oilfield in Iran
The memorandum of understanding, signed between the Iranian Offshore Oil Company (IOOC) and its Malaysian partner in
The joint project to develop an Iranian oilfield is part of a Tehran-Kuala Lumpur bid to expand cooperation in oil and natural gas sectors, Ghayem, director of the IOOC Engineering, Procurements, Construction and Project Execution, was quoted by IRNA as saying.
Ghayem did not name the oilfield. However, the field is located in southern Bushehr province in the
The contract will be finalized next month and its implementation phase will begin next year, he added.
Implementation of the project adds to the country's energy capabilities and creating 500 permanent jobs and 2,000 temporary jobs, the official concluded.
coutesy presstv
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Rangers 3-1 Dundee Utd

| ||
Rangers moved to within a point of league leaders Celtic with a game in hand following a controversial victory over Dundee United. Nacho Novo calmed early Rangers nerves in the seventh minute when he headed home Kevin Thomson's free-kick. The Spaniard doubled Rangers' lead soon after with a superb volley. . . . read more |
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
UK Culture - Rugby

Muhammad emerging from a
tunnel formed by MCOBA
in the annual
MCOBA - MCKK match @
Oldboys weekend 2008
For example, many students at private schools and grammar schools play rugby union. By contrast, rugby league has traditionally been seen as a working and middle class, professional, pursuit. A contrast to this ideology is evident in the neighbouring unions of England and Wales. In England the sport is very much associated with the public schools system (i.e. independent/private schools).
In Ireland, rugby union is also associated with private, education and the "D4" stereotype, and this image of the spoilt, ignorant, wealthy rugby-playing jock inspired the best-selling Ross O'Carroll Kelly novels. In Wales, rugby is associated with small village teams which consisted of coal miners and other industrial workers playing on their days off.
Exceptions to the above include New Zealand, Wales, France except Paris, Cornwall, the Borders region of Scotland, County Limerick in Ireland, and the Pacific Islands, where rugby union is popular in working class communities. Nevertheless, rugby league is perceived as the game of the working class people in the English counties of Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria, and in the Australian states of New South Wales and Queensland.
In the United Kingdom, rugby union fans sometimes use the term "rugger" as an alternative name for the sport, (see Oxford '-er'). Also the kick off is known to be called "Rug Off" in some regions. In the US, people who play rugby are sometimes called "ruggers", a term little used elsewhere except facetiously.
Those considered to be heavily involved with the rugby union lifestyle — including heavy drinking and striped jumpers — sometimes identify as "rugger buggers". Retired rugby union players who still turn up to watch, drink and serve on committees rank as "alickadoos" or, less kindly, as "old farts". An alternative name for the game adopted primarily in local rugby comps is known as "Ra-Ra" referring to the pomp and circumstance associated with the sport
Because of the nature of the games (almost unlimited body contact with little or no padding), the rugby world frowns on unsporting behaviour, since even a slight infringement of the rules may lead to serious injury or even death. Because of this, governing bodies enforce the rules strictly.
French rugby league supporters sometimes call themselves "treizistes", reflecting the French title of their sport (jeu à treize). The epithet occurs almost universally in France, but its use has also spread to English-speaking countries.
Australia is unusual in that rugby league is by far the more popular of the two codes. Support for both codes is concentrated in New South Wales, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory. The same perceived class barrier as exists between the two games in England also occurs in these two states, fostered by rugby union's prominence and support at private schools. Australian followers of rugby league usually refer to rugby league as "league", "footy" or "football" and rugby union as "rugby" or "union". A popular television show dealing with rugby league, called The Footy Show screens weekly during the NRL season and television coverage is generally known as Friday Night Football, Sunday Football and Monday Night Football.
New Zealanders generally refer to rugby union simply as either "football", "rugby" or "rugby union" and to rugby league as "rugby league", "football" or "league". In New Zealand, playing rugby football has a reputation as the epitome of manliness for both Māori and Pākehā (non-Māori), as symbolised by a haka (war dance) at the start of important games. Kiwis see rugby as the accepted substitute for military heroism and an excellent training ground for soldiering. If Britain won the Battle of Waterloo on the playing-fields of Eton College, New Zealand long saw its role in the British Empire as intimately connected with the football field. Popular Kiwi mythology sees the encouragement of New Zealand rugby in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as the Imperial reaction to declining physical fitness in Britain's industrial slums.
(the above is UK Culture extracted from wikipedia, verbatim)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Chelsea 1-1 Wigan
Page last updated at 20:56 GMT, Monday, 14 April 2008 21:56 UK
By Paul Fletcher |


Emile Heskey struck with an injury-time volley to earn a point for Wigan and leave Chelsea's hopes of winning the Premier League hanging by a thread.
Wigan keeper Chris Kirkland made fine saves from Nicolas Anelka and Salomon Kalou while John Terry hit the bar.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
New "kids" on the blog.
When I say "kids" I don't mean small, what I meant is starters. RPK started blogging since DSAI (Datok Sri Anwar) was in the Sg Buluh Palace. I used to see him then at DSAI's corner lot house near Damasara Mosque. It was good and informative - Malaysiakini was free and popular then for us to be informed and have an update of DSAI's life then political, social - the court cases and his personal health including the blood HIV tests and the arsenic poisoning case.
I can't really tell when YB LKS started blogging before or after RPK ( Raja Petra Kamarudin ). For obviuos reasons YB LKS's blog was less intellectually informative and more related to his issues. Informative articles in YB LKS's blog are generally written by others and available to me through other sources including through my e-group. His interactive blog is good for we can read comments from others on issues he raised, gauge public opinions and make our own conclusion.
Take for instance his opposition to the MB of Perak being from PAS, not only him I too had a shock! I did anticipate that our "Barisan Rakyat" comrades would like to have a shouting match with YB LKS on his proposed 'swearing in' boycott. What shock me is his delayed reaction on realizing, the fact that we "Barisan Rakyat" supporters put DAP candidates there. The result was the YB's apology to the Sultan and Pemangku Raja Perak. That's the power of the internet. It is even more powerful than DAP's CEC. It reverses the DAP's CEC decision - public opinion did it at a lightning speed.
Clever people like Dr Khir Toyo would realized that. Why not he, when the President of Iran Blogs! He wants to stand as UMNO youth leader as televised by the RTM, then it may be more relevant if we were to assume that UMNO youth members are as IT savvy as their Barisan Rakyat counter part. There may be more UMNO personalities blogging in the near future. Have you visited our PM's blog?
Hopefully YB LKS has realized by now about Barisan Yakyat, he was so blank when it was raised after he made the protest was made. How on earth could he? When 3/4 of the signatories to the "Rakyat' Declaration" got elected as MP. Sdr Wee Chee Keong of MDP, Sdr Ronnie of DAP and Puan Dr Mariah of PAS except for Cik Gu Bad of PKR. His losses to Khairi, I believe is due to vote rigging, will PKR take his case to court?
Having said that, I personally feel that YB LKS owes Barisan Rakyat supporters an apology. Things have progressed well and Bravo to YB LKS, DSAI, DSA , TGHH for the recent crytalization of "Pakatan Rakyat", we do not tolerate nonsense and unnecessary critical of petty things. Have you all agreed to the tentative name "PR". It's okay with me!
Dr Khir Toyo's blog - a welcoming message.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Wadah Sebuah Perjuangan
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.On 1st April 08, my birthday, another interesting event took placed, YB Mohd Ali Rustam started blogging, is he positioning himself to contest for any post in the coming UMNO elections.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
From: Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Dear fellow Malaysians,
You used your votes to send me a message – a message that I didn't hear earlier, but which I hear now, loud and clear. Yes, it was a wake up call for a rude awakening and me for all of us at BN. We must never take the Malaysian public for granted.
One of the loudest things I hear from you is 'No more arrogant, inflammatory and racist rhetoric'. I admit several of my outspoken ministers and yes, even my own son-in-law, have said things that hurt the feelings of many segments of our society, especially the non-Malays. I should have rebuked them immediately but I didn't.
I didn't share their views, I'm sure you know that, but I was complacent in thinking such comments would eventually blow over. Little did I realize that many of you had actually taken them to heart. As a prime minister for all Malaysians, I should have been more sensitive. The next time any Umno leaders say things that are out of line, I guarantee you I will slap them down straight away. And if they don't apologise for the hurt they cause, I will ask them to resign whatever posts they hold in the party or the government. That is how seriously I take the matter.
I was mistaken in thinking that Malaysians would be content and grateful just to have peace and security in this country. But after 50 years, Malaysia has grown up. We are becoming a developed nation. Peace and security is not enough. Economic development is not enough. The people want and deserve civil liberties.
As such, I am going to take steps to honour not just the law but also the spirit of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. That means getting rid of the Printing Presses and Publications Act. In addition, all government parties will be required to divest itself of ownership in news media companies. I know this means opening myself and my government to critical articles by journalists, but that's what free speech is all about. And I accept that.
People will no longer need to apply for a permit from the police to peacefully assemble and even to protest. Of course if they make a nuisance of themselves or become rowdy, law enforcement officers will have to do their job to ensure public safety. But your right to peacefully assemble will be respected.
I am going to get rid of the dreaded Internal Security Act and the Kamunting detention facility will be torn down and converted into some new commercial development. To be honest with you, I didn't want to detain those five Hindraf guys without trial. It's against my nature to do such things. But alas, I listened to advisors who been giving me wrong advice. They will be freed, as will other ISA detainees, but if there is evidence against any of them, they will be charged and have their day in court.
Speaking of courts, I will be asking the King to set up a new Royal Commission of Inquiry and this time, the terms of reference will extend all the way back to the controversial sacking of Salleh Abbas. Many learned lawyers have highlighted that it was that incident which started the rot in our judiciary. I know we might be opening a can of worms but let the law take its course. I am determined to repair our judiciary.
The Official Secrets Act will also be removed and replaced by the Freedom of Information Act. People rightly view the OSA as an impediment to catching crooks within the government. In contrast, a Freedom of Information Act will help us catch those crooks. When you first elected me, I was known as Mr Clean. Nobody calls me that now but by the time my second term ends, that's what you'll be calling me again. Just wait and see.
Last but not least – and I've really saved the best for last – I am going to initiate something that will end communal politics once and for all. Umno will soon stand for the United Malaysian National Organisation and all component parties in the BN will be invited to merge with the old Umno that we can become one big multiracial party. Also, the NEP will stand for Newest Economic Policy that will help all Malaysians regardless of race. Take that, Anwar!
None of the things I've mentioned is going to be easy to implement. There will be resistance like you wouldn't believe. But if I am going to regain the trust you first gave to me four years ago, I will have to earn it the hard way – by not just talking the talk but walking the walk. Last time around I asked you to work with me. This time, watch me work for you, to build a better Malaysia that you deserve.
Pak Lah
source malaysiatoday
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
March 14, 2008YAB Sdra Lim Guan Eng
Chief Minister of Penang
28th Fl, Komtar
10502 PenangDear YAB,
On behalf of my colleagues in BERNAMA, I would like to congratulate your team and you for the recent victory in Penang.
I would also like to take this opportunity to apologise for the sloppy editing in the news story of March 12, 2008, which we mistakenly quoted you as commenting on the May 13 incident as well. The inclusion of the fact was intended to give background on the establishment of the NEP in 1971. Nevertheless, upon a thorough review, the inclusion of that fact along with your quote may have been inappropriate.
As we move forward, I would like to ensure you of BERNAMA's co-operation for your newly-formed government and shall always endeavour to help you promote the well-being of Penang and its people.
Yours sincerely,
The Utusan-Bernama ruckus started when Guan Eng announced all government procurements in Penang will be through open tender -- something that the NEP did not address and went on to create cronies and entrench corruption in the system.
excerpts from Jeff Ooi's blog.
Monday, March 10, 2008
2008 polls - interesting facts
Mar 10, 08 6:20pm |
Barisan Nasional only gained about 51 percent of the popular vote from the 7.9 million ballots cast on Saturday. However, it took 63 percent of the seats contested - or 140 of 222 seats in Parliament. Interestingly, its peninsula-wide popular vote was only 49.79 percent, which effectively means that the opposition received the majority vote in this part of the country. However, when converted to parliamentary seats, BN has 85 of the constituencies in the peninsula, while the opposition bagged 80. In 2004, BN won about 64 percent of the popular vote nationwide and 92 percent of the 219 parliamentary seats on offer then. As the dust settles on the 12th general election, we highlight a number of quirky facts and figures. Election trivia
Debutant politicians Other bloggers are Tony Pua (DAP, Petaling Jaya Utara parliamentary seat), Elizabeth Wong (PKR, Bukit Lanjan state seat) and Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad (PKR, Seri Setia state seat).
Deputy ministers
Parliamentary secretaries
The full team from the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry all lost in the polls. |
RPK: The aftermath of the 'bloodbath'
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Since yesterday I have been receiving a lot of phone calls from people who keep asking me what position I am going to hold in the government. I also have tons of e-mails in my in-box which I have either not read yet or have not replied to thus far. Firstly, can you please stop phoning so that I can get down to writing my article (anyway, I have switched off my phone so that I can complete this article). We can 'chat' about what the opposition needs to do later plus I will reply to all your e-mails once the dust settles.
Now, with regards to my 'position' in the government. No, no and no! I do not wish to hold any position in the government. I know some of you have threatened to 'protest' in front of the party headquarters if I am not offered at least a Senator's post. Hey, I do not want to be a Senator or Wakil Rakyat or anything at all for that matter. I just want to continue being plain Raja Petra Kamarudin, Editor and Webmaster of Malaysia Today -- so please drop all this talk of me 'holding a position in the government'.
Secondly, Malaysia Today is going to continue playing the role of watchdog and the conscience of the nation. We must continue to be the eyes, ears and voice of the rakyat and this must be done with me outside the government. Malaysia Today, which is already a nightmare for the ruling party, is going to now also be the nightmare of the five opposition-led state governments. And we are going to monitor these five states even closer than we watch the federal government.
Now, with regards to the talk floating around that Tok Guru Haji Abdul Hadi Awang has announced that Kedah is going to introduce Hudud laws; this is not true. Tok Guru confirmed he never made such an announcement. The trouble is, many of you wear these 'boycott the mainstream media' T-shirts yet you still read and believe what the mainstream media spins. Would you become terrible offended if I shout 'Bodoh punya orang!'? I really don't know what else to shout under these circumstances.
Let me repeat what I have said many, many times in the past. PAS does not have 150 seats in Parliament. In fact, PAS, DAP and PKR combined do not have 150 seats in Parliament. Read my lips. "PAS NEEDS 150 SEATS IN PARLIAMENT TO CHANGE THE LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY OR OF THE STATES!"
Anyway, 150 seats or no 150 seats, PAS does not intend to introduce Islamic laws, PERIOD.
Okay, can we now get down to some serious work? Our first task in hand is to set up an Ombudsman committee that will monitor all the five state governments of Kelantan, Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor. A man such as Tun Salleh Abas or anyone of his calibre must head the Ombudsman committee which will comprise of men and women of standing and with squeaky-clean reputations. They must be people like Gandhi and Mother Theresa both rolled into one. Yes, Malaysia does have plenty of such people.
The Ombudsman must be above the Chief Minister and Menteri Besar. It must have the power and authority to summon even the highest man in the state to come before the committee for questioning on anything at all that may be perceived as wrongdoing, transgressions, deviations, etc. And the Ombudsman must have the power and authority to recommend the removal of any public servant or politician who may have committed a breach of discipline, even if he is the Chief Minister/Menteri Besar.
This Ombudsman shall be responsible to the rakyat. The meetings and official inquiries it conducts must not be behind closed doors but shall be open inquiries where members of the public who may be interested in the goings-on can attend and witness the proceedings. Everything must be transparent and open to public scrutiny. There shall be no secrets. Public servants and elected officials work for the rakyat. The rakyat are the boss. So the 'boss' must be allowed to witness any public inquiry and proceedings convened to look into the conduct of their 'employees'. There must be no compromise on this issue.
The government must not be race-based, and certainly not religion-based. People chosen to head the agencies in any of the five states must be based on capabilities and not because that person is Malay, Chinese or Indian. Granted, the Federal Constitution of Malaysia may state who can be Menteri Besar while the election promise was, if the opposition wins Penang, then a Chinese shall be the Chief Minister. But that must be as far as race considerations prevail. For thereon no positions should be filled because we want more Malays or more Chinese or more Indians in the government.
If qualifications and capabilities become the criteria, then Malays, Chinese and Indians would automatically be represented at all levels of government. Just give him or her the job because he or her is the best person for the job and the racial balance would automatically happen. You do not even need to try too hard.
All ongoing projects must be reviewed. Those that have not taken off yet and which are clearly white elephants, projek mewah, above the recommended cost, etc., should be aborted. Of course, those that have contractual obligations will have to go on lest the state becomes embroiled in legal tangles. But they must be aborted not for the sake of aborting them or because they have been awarded to cronies of 'the other side'. This would smack of political persecution and witch-hunting, something the opposition has accused the government of perpetuating and something we should not do as well.
Take note that the federal government will certainly squeeze the states of funds so money will be very tight. The states will have to engage a high-powered team of financial consultants to advice them on how to run a state government and still develop the state with no money. Kelantan has done it for 18 years. They inherited a colossal amount of debt when they took over Kelantan in 1990 and yet still managed to pay off all the debts plus carry the cost of running the state in spite of no money.
The local councils are more corrupted than the infamous Royal Malaysian Police. This needs to be immediately addressed and many heads should be on the chopping block. The state governments must be ruthless with no quarters asked nor any given. Let there be a 'bloodbath' if necessary. And send the files of all these crooks to the Anti-Corruption Agency and demand that they be hung from the highest tree. The rakyat will gladly pay for the cost of the tree.
The Malays should stop talking about 'percentage of Malay representation', as should the Chinese and Indians as well. We certainly want a meritocracy rather than a race-quota-based system. Nevertheless, no race or community must be left out of the government. So a delicate balancing act between meritocracy, yet taking into consideration racial representation, has to be the game plan here.
Remember, the opposition won these five states plus denied Barisan Nasional its two-thirds majority in Parliament through promises and rhetoric. The consideration of the voters the next election will no longer be based on promises and rhetoric but on performance and delivery. Many promises were made this election. Now is the time to deliver them. Then, come the next election, the voters will either continue electing this same government into office or opt to change back to Barisan Nasional depending on how well or how bad the five state governments have performed.
If you think that winning these five states and denying Barisan Nasional its two-thirds majority in Parliament was difficult, then you do not know what difficult is. Winning five states and denying Barisan Nasional its two-thirds majority in Parliament was the easy part. The difficult part is going to be in maintaining the confidence and support of the voters. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi won 92% of the seats in 2004 based on promises and four years later got massacred when he did not deliver. The same thing can and will happen to the opposition as well come the 13th General Election if it does not perform and/or deliver its election promise.
Malaysia Today is watching. And we shall whack the daylights out of anyone and everyone who misbehaves or forgets his or her promise. The opposition won the five states and 82 seats in Parliament with the support of Malays, Chinese and Indians. It needed all the races to cross the finishing line. Just two races would not have achieved that. One race would have been even more impossible.
So remember who put you where you are today. Remember who gave you your job. The rakyat can hire and the rakyat can fire. We, the rakyat, made you and we, the rakyat, can break you. Just remember that and with God as our witness we shall not fail to do that if you fail to do what you promised to do.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
18 Tahun Comel Sengoti
18 tahun tok guru pimpin kito
rakyat hidup makmur penuh bahgio
isle kito junjung adab kito jago
tok soh lah dok nok bohong kato tok buat gapo sekaro
18 tahun tok guru pimpin kito
o… o.. o…
dulu demo kato meretoh 3 bule
kini sudoh nyato bule semakin tere
hati raso banggo hidup pun raso tene
kelate negeri kito teraju perubahe
18 tahun tok guru pimpin kito
o… o.. o…
agamo isle jadi dasar kito
negeri kebajike utk rakyat jelato
doa siye male tok guru wak kijo
nok tengok rakyat kelate hidup ame sentiaso
18 tahun tok guru pimpin kito
o… o.. o…
takaful kifalah utk wargo tuo
ibu tungga armalah pun kito amik caro
rumoh dhuafaat cakno keluarga bahagio
hok ni pas buat jange lah demo lupo
18 tahun tok guru pimpin kito
o… o.. o…
maso mulo meretoh tok guru bue judi
akaun hok ribo tok guru tolok tepi
demo maroh belako kato MB ikut hati
hok ni kawe gak raso demo ni tok berapo reti
18 tahun tok guru pimpin kito
o… o.. o…
gapo alase demo nok lawe kawe
hok mano kito buat keno denga isle
jange kito loghat biar lah kito pehe
baru kito ni sepakat pakat jago kelate
18 tahun tok guru pimpin kito
o… o.. o…
negeri kelate negeri kebajike
koto baru pulo bandarayo isle
maghi kito sokong mari kito pege
semuga tok guru teruh peretoh kelate
18 tahun tok guru pimpin kito 2 X
maghi pakat sokong biar meretoh sapa ke bilo
courtesy jiwo kelate
Friday, February 22, 2008
Malaya's first Election.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Kak long - Abe Mane now betrothed
On the 23 Jan 2008 a simple engagement was carried out at Abe Mane's uncle's house in Pangkal Meleret. Abe Mane would like to express the deepest gratitude for those who had willingly participated in the representation, discussions, cooking and who have jovially involved.
Ali Imran ( Bakal Besan), Pak Su Leh.

To ensure the date of marriage coincide with the school holidays and matriculation holidays, the date of 16 August was selected, a week later, followed by a wedding reception party on the 23 August at the groom's place.
("mother in law to be" slips the Ring into the finger of "the
bride to be" )
For members of the family keluargawanishak & Tok Jenal do plan your holidays and make it to Kak Long's Walimah.
For Planning purposes - catering especially, Abe Mane hopes - Please Respond (Répondez S'il Vous Plaît) RSVP by
15 June 2008.
RSVP to title Kak Long or Madihah. This is to allow an easy search for me, in case I do not open my mails regularly.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Letter from Barack Obama on His Muslim Heritage
Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:07 am (PST)
Letter from Barack Obama on His Muslim Heritage
There has been a lot made in the recent weeks about the Muslim history of my family. Some of the things that have been said are true, others are false, so I am writing this letter to clear up the misunderstandings on this issue.
Yes, it is true that I have a name that is common amongst Kenyan Muslims where my father came from and that my middle name is Hussein. Barack is a name which means "blessing" and Hussein is a masculine form of the word beauty.
Since there is nothing inherently wrong with the concept of blessings from God and the beauty He creates I fail to see the problem with these names.
Some will say wouldn't it be a problem to have a president with a name similar to the deposed and executed former dictator of Iraq?
My answer to this is simply no; rather it is the strength and beauty of America that the son of an African man with a "funny sounding" name, born under British Colonial Rule, can now be a serious candidate for the presidency of the United States.
My father was a Muslim and although I did not know him well the religion of my father and his family was always something I had an interest in. This interest became more intense when my mother married an Indonesian Muslim man and as a small child I lived in Indonesia and attended school alongside Muslim pupils.
I saw their parents dutifully observing the daily prayers, the mothers covered in the Muslim hijab, the atmosphere of the school change during Ramadan, and the festiveness of the Eid celebrations.
The man my mother was married to was not particularly religious; but he would attend the mosque on occasion, and had copies of the Quran in different languages in the home, and books of the sayings and life of the Prophet Muhammad.
From time to time he would quote Islamic phrases such as "no one truly believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself", "oppression is worse than slaughter", and "all humans are equal the only difference comes from our deeds".
Growing up in Hawaii with my mother and her grandparents, Islam largely escaped my mind. My mother installed in me the values of humanism and I did not grow-up in a home were religion was taught.
It was later while I attended college at Columbia University and Harvard Law that I became reacquainted with Muslims as both schools had large Muslims student populations. Some of them were my friends and many came from countries that our nation now has hostile relations with.
The background I had from my early childhood in Indonesia helped me get to know them and learn from them and to me Muslims are not to be looked upon as something strange.
In my experiences up until college a Muslim was no less exotic to me than a Mormon, a Jew, or a Jehovah's Witness.
After college I settled in my adopted hometown of Chicago and lived on the South Side and worked as a community organizer. Chicago has one of the largest Muslim populations in America (estimated to be around 300,000) and Muslims make-up some of the most productive citizens in the area.
I met countless numbers of Muslims in my job as an organizer and later on in my early political career. I ate in their homes, played with their kids, and looked at them as friends and peers and sought their advice.
Therefore, when the tragic terrorist attacks of 9-11 occurred I was deeply saddened with the rest of America , and I wanted justice for the victims of this horrific attack, but I did not blame all Muslims or the religion of Islam.
From my experience I knew the good character of most Muslims and the value that they bring to America. Many, who did not personally know Muslims, indicted the entire religion for the bad actions of a few; my experience taught me that this was something foolish and unwise.
Later I had the chance to visit the homeland of my father and meet Muslim relatives of my including my grandmother. I found that these were people who wanted the same things out of life as people right here in America and worked hard, strive to make a better way for their children, and prayed to God to grant them success.
This is what I will bring to the office of the Presidency of the United States.
I will deal with Muslims from a position of familiarity and respect and at this time in the history of our nation that is something sorely needed.
source UKM